Peace be upon you and God's blessings and mercy
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
السلامُ عليكم ورحمةُ اللهِ وبركاته

PELOSI & BUSH, Vote | صوت مع بوش أو بيلوسي |
Bush!.. We need to finish what we started and that requires a bigger military presence!. | نحتاج لإنهاء ما بدأنا به؛ وهذا يتطلب تواجد عسكري أكبر في العراق. |
Pelosi!.. We've lost enough young men and women. Send the troops home and get out of Iraq!. | لقد فقدنا الكثير من الشباب والنساء... أخرج القوات الأمريكية من العراق وأعدها إلى الوطن. |
When this vote is for the intellectuals to vote, and at the same time I see 77% with Bush!!,,, and just the judicious knows that Bush is a big lier and lying once again.... So what can I say to those intellectuals ?!!.... please VOTE WITH PELOSI
Please don't ever open that web site votecom,,, It belongs to Dick Morris (who happened to spend time in Mexico before their travesty of an election last year). He gets advertising dollars for hits.
I'm really sorry for my last letter "Vote with PELOSI against BUSH", but I noticed that Percent votes is still 77% "with Bush"... that mean that Dick is a big lier like Bush, and he making money for him....
I'm sorry again
© 2006, Eng. Assem