شارك معنا في حملة طلب الإفراج عن الدكتور عزيز الدويك
رئيس المجلس التشريعى
للحكومة الفلسطينية المنتخبة والوزراء المخطوفين
- تم التعليق على الموضوع من قبل
- م.عاصم
قامت القوات الإسرائيلية باختطاف عشرين وزيرا من حكومة حماس المنتخبة، ثم اختطفت الناطق الرسمي باسم الحكومة الفلسطينية، د. عزيز الدويك، وأجبروه على تعاطي قرصا مجهولا أدى إلى تدهور حالته الصحية. ويقوم الاحتلال الآن باحتجاز أعضاء الحكومة في حبس انفرادي.؛
فهل هذه تصرفات دولة، أم عصابة؟؛
أرجو منكم أخذ نسخة من الخطاب المكتوب باللغة الإنجليزية أدنـاه وإرساله إلى العناوين البريدية المرفقة أدناه بعد وضعها في خانة المرسل إليهم؛
وتذكروا أيها الإخوة بأن هذا مجرد ايميل، ممكن يترتب عليه فك أسر مظلومين، فمن فضلك ارسله
نص الرسالة هو
Dear sir,
Arabs demand an immediate release for Dweik and all detainees captured by Israel.
We the Arab people demand an immediate release for Aziz Dweik, the Speaker of Palestinian – ELECTED – Parliament. And an immediate release for all Palestinian MPs hostages captured by Israeli Government.
We denounce such an act taken by Israelis, which cannot be defined except by one word: "kidnapping". Kidnapping hostages, especially when these hostages are members of an elected government, is a terrorist act, which is only adopted by mafia.
It is not a secret that Israeli police, forced Mr. Dweik to take an unknown pill, which caused him a severe health damage. Members of the legitimate Hamas Government are captured and tried for vague accusations. They are isolated and no one knows what is happening to them.
Such acts are against all the International Laws which Israel considers as inapplicable.
We are asking the International Community:
Till when shall Israel continue considering itself above all International Laws?
And what are you going to do about it?
How could you perceive Israel as a democratic state while it does not respect the least concept of democracy?
Hamas took the legitimate way and won the Palestinian elections, yet its members are kidnapped and humiliated.
What does this mean?
Let us tell you: It means that legitimate tracks are of no use, and violence is a more dignified track.
How do you like this?
Arabs demand an immediate release for Dweik and all detainees captured by Israel.
We the Arab people demand an immediate release for Aziz Dweik, the Speaker of Palestinian – ELECTED – Parliament. And an immediate release for all Palestinian MPs hostages captured by Israeli Government.
We denounce such an act taken by Israelis, which cannot be defined except by one word: "kidnapping". Kidnapping hostages, especially when these hostages are members of an elected government, is a terrorist act, which is only adopted by mafia.
It is not a secret that Israeli police, forced Mr. Dweik to take an unknown pill, which caused him a severe health damage. Members of the legitimate Hamas Government are captured and tried for vague accusations. They are isolated and no one knows what is happening to them.
Such acts are against all the International Laws which Israel considers as inapplicable.
We are asking the International Community:
Till when shall Israel continue considering itself above all International Laws?
And what are you going to do about it?
How could you perceive Israel as a democratic state while it does not respect the least concept of democracy?
Hamas took the legitimate way and won the Palestinian elections, yet its members are kidnapped and humiliated.
What does this mean?
Let us tell you: It means that legitimate tracks are of no use, and violence is a more dignified track.
How do you like this?
أما العناوين البريدية فهي
peterjennings@abcnews.com, russell_feingold@feingold.senate.gov, senator@biden.senate.gov, senator@dorgan.senate.gov, senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov, senator_lugar@lugar.senate.gov, senator@shelby.senate.gov, senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov, emven@netvision.net.il, consular@botschaft-venezuela.de, audsvcs@cbs.com, nightly@nbc.com, tips@komo4news.com, newstips@kirotv.com, info@consulado-ny.gov.ve, uk@un.int, romano.prodi@cec.eu.int, civis@europarl.eu.int, epbrussels@europarl.eu.int, public.info@consilium.eu.int, belrep@belgoeurop.diplobel.fgov.be, christian.jouret@consilium.eu.int, javier.sancho-velazquez@consilium.eu.int, editor@villagevoice.com, lettertoed@thestar.ca, letters@thenation.com, newseditor@independent.co.uk, reader@guardian.co.uk, editorial@dailystar.com.lb, emailnews@smh.fairfax.com.au, sspears@sptimes.com, news@ctv.ca, national@cbc.ca, nwonline@toronto.cbc.ca, letters@herald.co.nz, letters@nytimes.com, letters@nationalpost.com, info@britishembassy.org.eg, center@embjapan.org.eg, buster@startribune.com, davis@jsonline.com, heralded@herald.com, globalnational@canada.com, info@buenosairesherald.com, letters@globe.com, editor@bangkokpost.net, 2020@abc.com, lastword@canada.com, info@expresstorussia.com, president@whitehouse.gov, inquiries@un.org, pm@pm.gc.ca, accreditamenti@pressva.va, delegation-new-york-euinfo@cec.eu.int, usa@un.int, germemb@tedata.net.eg, reyadhb@state.gov, consularcairo@state.gov, cdr@esteri.it, france-presse@un.int, rusun@un.int, chinamission_un@fmprc.gov.cn
© 2006, Iman Badawee
قمت بإرسال الرسالة أعلاه إلى جميع العناوين السابقة
ولأجل ضمان ارسالها جميعاً؛؛ أرجو أن تقوموا بتقسيم المُـرسل إليهم إلى عدة مجموعات؛ ستة مثلاً؛؛ كل مجموعة منها تضم بشكل تقريبي 10 عناوين أو أكثر
وأرجو من الجميع التفاعل مع هذا الموضوع ومشاركتنا بإرسال الرسالة إلى جميع العناوين السابقة؛؛ وهذا واجبنا جميعاً ولا نقصر في أداء هذا الواجب أبداً
مع الشكر الجزيل للآنسـة إيمـان بـدوي على جهدها الكبير المبذول في هذا العمل
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
© 2006, Eng. Assem
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